Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I‘m glad she found another. She has always wanted someone tall.


She says he is twice as tall as me, and I am depriving her of lofty sights. Her desired vistas can not be viewed at my five foot nine, sub-scenic stature. My dad is six foot four. My mom was right; wearing underwear to bed stunts your growth.

My feelings aren’t hurt, the open-space she left is good for me. 
I love white walls uncluttered by art. Nothing for my eyes to get hung up on, and nothing to carry my thoughts away.

Now, thoughts are left to loiter like her boxes that line the hallway, they hang around like teenagers in a 7-11 parking lot waiting to ask an adult to buy them liquor.

This departure of my better half is liberation. I get to be whole again.

When God closes one door, He opens another. I am now anchored, that other door left ajar by God led masked marauders into my room to tie me to the bedpost. She already took the good stuff, the thieves took most of the rest.

I sit tethered to her remaining boxes, my thoughts, and stained, mismatched Tupperware. Now all my leftovers taste a bit like her marinara.

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